Our Purpose, Values & Mission
“Empowering youth, nurturing faith, inspiring growth”
St. Gabriel's Youth, in partnership with the Parish House Trust, is a diverse and growing youth club based in Churchill Gardens supporting young people in the area between the ages of 8-18. Through our different forms of outreach we:
Support marginalised youths, offering educational and developmental workshop, particularly those in the Churchill Gardens Estate.
Reach out to young people through different activities (Thursday’s Hot Chocolate, Saturday Youth Club, 121s) providing access to services and combating isolation.
Improve the health, well-being, and social cohesion of young people and families through community-driven activities.
Facilitate safe and healthy relationships by building community skills capacity.
St. Gabriel's Youth, as part of the St. Gabriel's Parish House, also aims to:
Create recreational opportunities for the benefit of young people in the Churchill Gardens Estate and surrounding areas.
Collaborate with other organisations to alleviate deprivation in the area for young people.
Provide young people with opportunities to access information and organisations they may not otherwise know about without a Youth Leader.