Hire St Gabriel’s for your event


St Gabriel’s Pimlico is a popular venue for concerts by professional and amateur music groups.

The chancel seats 230 in fixed pews, with plenty of room for addi­tional chairs. There is a truly mag­ni­fi­cently clear acous­tic in this cathed­ral like space for solo and small ensemble recit­als, as the rever­ber­a­tion is sur­pris­ing low.

It will also house a full-size orches­tra in the wide nave. There is a Stein­way model B grand piano avail­able, and a newly renovated Bev­ing­ton three manual organ. There is free even­ing park­ing, and we are close to pub­lic trans­port includ­ing main line rail at Victoria and Pimlico stations.

Typ­ical hire cost £420 – £500 per event.


We also accept applic­a­tions to hold rehears­als in the church dur­ing the day­time, sub­ject to some con­di­tions and work­ing around ser­vices.

Please con­tact us to dis­cuss your requirement.

Typ­ical hire cost £150/half day (3 hour ses­sion) or £400/day.

Meetings, talks and small children’s parties

Our choir vestry has been refur­bished to trans­form it into a church hall.

The Vic­torian atmo­sphere of this lovely room has been pre­served, with its high vaul­ted ceil­ing, stained glass win­dows and fine solid wood floor. It meas­ures 14m x 5m with a raised plat­form area at one end. We have 150 chairs on site. There is external access to the hall from our garden, and dir­ect access to toi­lets (including a disabled cubicle) and kitchenette area.

Please con­tact us to dis­cuss your requirement.

Hire cost £30/hr or £220/day.

The St Gabriel’s Halls

St Gabriel’s has a sister venue a few minutes walk away.

St Gabriel’s Halls situ­ated a few minutes walk from the church has even more facil­it­ies. Visit the St Gabriel’s Halls web­site for more details.

Make an enquiry

Please con­tact the Church Office for fur­ther inform­a­tion using the contact form below.