Give to St Gabriel’s
Ways to give
You can give my debit or credit card. Click here to go to our card payment gateway.
You can give regularly to the work of St Gabriel’s by setting up a Direct Debit.
This feature is coming soon. Please check back later.
You can make a one-off or regular standing order payment direct to our bank account at:
“PCC St Gabriel’s, Warwick Square, Pimlico”
Sort code: 40-06-03
Account number: 51156225Please email our church administrator Julie Anderson at julie@stgabrielspimlico.org.uk so that we can collect your contact details and offer our thanks.
Download an application form here and send it completed with your cheque to:
“PCC St Gabriel’s, Warwick Square, Pimlico”
The Friends of St Gabriel’s Pimlico, 30 Warwick Square, London SW1V 2AD