Weekly Notices 22nd December 2024
Fourth Sunday in Advent, Year C
22nd December, 2024
Services this week:
6.00 p.m. Evensong and Exposition
Mass & other services:
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Feria
West Mews
4.00 p.m. Crib Service
with St Gabriel’s Choir.
Costumes provided for children who wish to take part
11.00 p.m. Midnight Mass of Christmas
with blessing of the Crib
Wednesday 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion (trad. language)
West Warwick Place
10.30 a.m. Sung Mass of Christmas Day
(inc. Schubert in G)
Thursday No Mass St Stephen
Westmoreland Place
Friday No Mass St John
Westmoreland Terrace
Saturday No Mass Holy Innocents
Whitly House, Wilkins House
First Sunday in Christmas,
Year C
The Holy Family
8.00 p.m. Holy Communion (trad. language)
Wilton Road
10.30 a.m. Sung Mass
Parish & Congregation
this week
Today: Parish Pray-ers meet after the 10.30 a.m. Sung Mass.
Thursday: No Study Group. Usually meets 7.00 p.m., 30 Warwick Square. We study the readings for the following Sunday. All welcome. Next: 16th January, 2025.
Preparations for Christmas
Confessions: by appointment
Decorating and cleaning: Christmas Eve from 10.00 a.m.
Compline and Social - 7.00p.m., every other Wednesday beginning 15th January, 2025, especially for ages 18-35. See website for weekly details.
Burns Night Supper & Ceilidh - 7.30 -10.30 p.m., Friday, 24th January, 2025. Further details to come - watch the website!
Confirmation: The Bishop of Fulham will confirm at the 10.30 a.m. Sung Mass, Sunday, 2nd March, 2025. If you are interested in the confirmation or would like to know more about the Christian Faith, please see Fr Owen.
St Gabriel’s Concerts
Soul of a Woman - A Reading-Concert of works by Female composers
The “Soul of Women” project was born from the idea of the musician, writer and journalist Maggie S. Lorelli, who conducted historical and musicological research to rediscover and perform scores from all historical eras composed by women, and who wanted to extend the project to all areas of society in the common theme of the historical difficulties encountered by women in emerging in certain typically male arts and professions. The “Soul of Women” project is aimed not only at a female audience, but at any individual able to appreciate the quality of women's work in society in all historical eras and in the current one, with a view to gender equality to be achieved first and foremost in the cultural sphere. The show is also aimed at those who simply want to enjoy the music and the interesting biography of the composers performed. The project is currently carried out by “Le Musae Ensemble”, an entirely female group founded by pianist Maggie S. Lorelli, who also carries out a similar program as a solo pianist. The repertoire performed as part of the “Soul of Women” project includes works by Cécile Chaminade, Clara Schumann, Lili and Nadia Boulanger, Mel Bonis, Fanny Mendelssohn, Fiona T. Frank, Gaby Kapps and other composers from all eras of musical history, from the Baroque to the contemporary. This will include a violin and piano piece by Fiona T Frank who will introduce the works.
Friday 27th December 7 p.m.
Retiring collection
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If you would like to learn more about the Christian Faith, perhaps with a view to Christening or Confirmation, please see Fr Owen