Weekly Notices 16th March 2025

The Second Sunday of Lent,
Year C
16th March, 2025

Services this week:


6.00 p.m. Choral Evensong and Benediction
Introit: The Lamb, Tavener
Responses: Howells
Canticles: in E Flat, Stainer
Anthem: Dominus dabit, MacMilan
The Cantus Ensemble, dir. Dominic Brennan


Mass: Second Week of Lent, Year 1

Tuesday 10.00 a.m. St Cyril                            
Evesham House, Flaxley House

Wednesday 9.10 a.m.   School Mass       
5.30 p.m.    Choral Evensong
6.30 p.m.    St Joseph                                                
Furness House, Fonthill House

Thursday       9.30 a.m.     Feria                                                                
Gilbert House, Gifford House                                                                                                                                                                    

Friday             9.30 a.m.     Feria                                                                                                                                            
Gillingham Mews, Gillingham Street

Saturday        9.30 a.m.   Feria
Gillingham Row, Gloucester Street                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


The Third Sunday in Lent,
Year C

8.00 a.m. Holy Communion (trad. language)                             
Glastonbury House, Guildhouse Street
10.30 a.m.    Sung Mass                                                                                                                    
Parish & Congregation
6.00 p.m.     Choral Evensong & Benediction      



Wednesday: Sung Compline and Social, 7.00 p.m., every other Wednesday, especially for ages 18-35, with opportunity to learn Plainsong. Meets next week (26th March).

Thursday: Study Group, meets 7.00 p.m., 30 Warwick Square. We study the readings for the following Sunday. All welcome.

Next Sunday: The Parish Pray-ers meet ca. 12.15 p.m. to pray especially for our mission.

Electoral Roll: This year is one when we have to prepare an entirely new Electoral Roll. Everybody who wishes to remain on the Roll must sign up again. Enrolment Forms, which explain who can be on the Roll, are available from James Farmer, the Electoral Roll Officer. The Roll will open from today, 2nd March. Joining the (free) Roll is a way of showing you are part of St Gabriel’s. Members of the roll may speak and vote at the annual Meeting, and join the Parochial Church Council.


If you are interested in the confirmation or would like to know more about the Christian Faith, please see Fr Owen.






Thursday Bible Study: see above.

Fridays in Lent: Stations of the Cross 7.00 p.m. in local churches. This week: St Saviours.

Giving up for Lent: Fasting and Abstinence are good ways to show we take God seriously and are sorry for our sins. We should abstain from meat on Fridays if we are aged between 14 & 60, are not with child or involved in heavy labour, or if the fast would hurt our health. In those circumstances we should give some extra money to charity or time to prayer. Who should fast is as above, except the age rule begins at 16. We fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by eating no more than one full meal and two snacks.



Palm Sunday, 13th April

8 a.m.     Holy Communion

10.30 a.m.   Sung Mass with Blessing of Palms

6 p.m.    Choral Evensong & Service of Penance


Maundy Thursday

8 p.m.         Mass of the Lord’s Supper

                 followed by Vigil until midnight & Compline


Good Friday

3 p.m.         Liturgy of the Passion

                  followed by Hot Cross Buns


Holy Saturday

8 p.m.         The Easter Vigil

                  followed by light refreshments


Easter Day, 20th April

8 a.m.         Holy Communion (trad. language)

10.30 a.m.   Sung Mass

                  ‘Sparrow’ Mass, Mozart, followed by Egg Hunt

6 p.m.         Choral Evensong & Benediction

                 Te Deum, Stanford, Easter Hymn, Mascagni


Services Monday-Wednesday tbc


Pimlico Musical Foundation

Sing Out! Pimlico, the P.M.F. Community Choir, meets 7.00 p.m., Mondays at Tachbrook Social Club, 57C Aylesford Street, SW1V 3RY.
All welcome.

The Pimlico Chorus meets 7.30 p.m., Wednesdays, in church. All welcome.





St Gabriel’s Concerts


Spring Concert

The Heroes Band

7.00 – 9.00 p.m., Saturday, 22nd March

Tickets: £12, £10 Senior Citizens, Students, U. 18, Free U.10


Music in Action - Songs to change the world

Sing Out! Pimlico, P.M.F. Children’s Choir & In-School Programmes

7.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m., Wednesday, 2nd April

Open to all

Tickets free

Lenten Reflections – Passiontide Polyphony

English Baroque Choir

Conductor: Harry Bradford

Accompanist: Ricjard Leach

Byrd, Bruckner, Durfulé, Poulenc, Purcell, Tallis.

7.30 p.m., Saturday, 5th April

Tickets: £20, U. 30s £15, U. 16s £5



Schubert No. 2 in Mass in G Major, Bach Cantata No.12

Pimlico Musical Foundation Chorus

Conductor: James Day

Soprano: Anna Semple

Alto: Daniel Gethin

Tenor: Sidharth Prabhu-Naik

Bass: John Holland-Avery

7.00 – 8.00 p.m., Saturday, 12th April

Tickets: £15, free U. 30

from: www.pimlicomusicalfoundation.org.uk 












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If you would like to learn more about the Christian Faith, perhaps with a view to Christening or Confirmation, please see Fr Owen










Weekly Notices 23rd March 2025


Weekly Notices 9th March 2025